Working With Storage

Check Storage Exist API

This API intended for checking the existence of cloud storage with a given name from GroupDocs Cloud Storage.

Check Storage Exist with API Explorer

GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud API Reference lets you try out Storage existence API right away in your browser! It allows you to effortlessly interact and try out every single operation our APIs exposes.

Check Storage Exist Request Parameters

storageNameStorage name

Check Storage Exist with cURL

curl -X GET "" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "authorization: Bearer  [Access Token]"
  "exists": true

Check Storage Exist with SDK

Our API is completely independent of your operating system, database system or development language. You can use any language and platform that supports HTTP to interact with our API. However, manually writing client code can be difficult, error-prone and time-consuming. Therefore, we have provided and support API SDKs in many development languages in order to make it easier to integrate with us. If you use SDK, it hides the Storage existence calls and lets you use GroupDocs Cloud features in a native way for your preferred language.

Check Storage Object Exist API

This API intended for checking existence of file or folder in GroupDocs Cloud Storage.

Check Storage Object Exist with API Explorer

GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud API Reference lets you try out Storage existence API right away in your browser! It allows you to effortlessly interact and try out every single operation our APIs expose.

Check Storage Object Exist Request Parameters

pathPath of the file or folder Required. Can be passed as a query string parameter or as part of the URL
storageNameName of the storage. If not set, then default storage used
versionIdFile version id

Check Storage Object Exist with cURL

curl -X GET "" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "authorization: Bearer [Access Token]"
  "exists": true,
  "isFolder": true

Check Storage Object Exist with SDK

Our API is completely independent of your operating system, database system or development language. You can use any language and platform that supports HTTP to interact with our API. However, manually writing client code can be difficult, error-prone and time-consuming. Therefore, we have provided and support API SDKs in many development languages in order to make it easier to integrate with us. If you use SDK, it hides the Storage Object existence calls and lets you use GroupDocs Cloud features in a native way for your preferred language.

Storage Space Usage API

This API intended for getting total and used space of the GroupDocs Cloud Storage

Storage Space Usage with API Explorer

GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud API Reference lets you try out storage space usage API right away in your browser! It allows you to effortlessly interact and try out every single operation our APIs expose.

Storage Space Usage Request parameters

storageNameName of the storage. If not set, then default storage used

Storage Space Usage with cURL

curl -X GET "" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "authorization: Bearer [Access Token]"
  "usedSize": 31032368,
  "totalSize": 3221225472

Storage Space Usage with SDK

Our API is completely independent of your operating system, database system or development language. You can use any language and platform that supports HTTP to interact with our API. However, manually writing client code can be difficult, error-prone and time-consuming. Therefore, we have provided and support API SDKs in many development languages in order to make it easier to integrate with us. If you use SDK, it hides the storage space usage API calls and lets you use GroupDocs Cloud features in a native way for your preferred language.

Storage File Versions API

This API intended for getting the list of file versions, stored in the GroupDocs Cloud Storage

Storage File Versions with API Explorer

GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud API Reference lets you try out Storage File Versions API right away in your browser! It allows you to effortlessly interact and try out every single operation our APIs expose.

Storage File Versions Request parameters

pathPath of the file including file name and extension e.g. /Folder1/file.ext Required. Can be passed as a query string parameter or as part of the URL
storageNameName of the storage. If not set, then default storage used

Storage File Versions with cURL

curl -X GET "" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "authorization: Bearer [Access Token]"
  "value": [
      "versionId": "null",
      "isLatest": true,
      "name": "one-page.docx",
      "isFolder": false,
      "modifiedDate": "2018-08-16T19:45:05+00:00",
      "size": 347612,
      "path": "/one-page.docx"

Storage File Versions with SDK

Our API is completely independent of your operating system, database system or development language. You can use any language and platform that supports HTTP to interact with our API. However, manually writing client code can be difficult, error-prone and time-consuming. Therefore, we have provided and support API SDKs in many development languages in order to make it easier to integrate with us. If you use SDK, it hides the Storage File Versions API calls and lets you use GroupDocs Cloud features in a native way for your preferred language.