Sending Excel and ODS files for translation

To translate Excel or OpenOffice ODS file, send a POST request to the GroupDocs.Translation Cloud REST API endpoint. To authorize the request, pass the access token in Authorization header (Bearer authentication).

The file and translation parameters are provided in JSON format in the request body.

  "sourceLanguage": "string",
  "targetLanguages": [
  "file": "string",
  "url": "string",
  "savingMode": "Files",
  "format": "Unknown",
  "outputFormat": "string",
  "worksheets": [
  "ranges": {
    worksheetIndex: {
      "rows": [
      "columns": [
      "ranges": [
          "cellStartIndex": "string",
          "cellEndIndex": "string"
Though you have a possibility to provide your file via cURL, please firstly upload it and pass its URL.

Evaluation mode

Evaluation mode is not available for Excel files, kindly register account and try Excel translation with provided free credits.

Translation settings

PropertyTypeDefault valueDescription
sourceLanguageStringen (English)Language code of the source file.
targetLanguagesList of stringsn/aLanguage codes into which the file should be translated.
urlStringn/aLink to a file obtained while uploading it.
formatStringformatExtension of your file, shoud start with capital letter, e.g. Docx.
outputFormatStringn/aExtension of translated file, if it should be converted.
worksheetsList of integersnullList of 1 based indexes of worksheets in Excel spreadsheet.
rangesDictionarynulllDictionary of specific ranges in Excel spreadsheet to translate, where the key is the worksheet index and the value is either list of indexes of specific rows or specific columns or tuple of cells indexes.
savingModeStringFilesIf the translated file should be saved as file (Files), archive (Archive) or both (Both).

Return value

If successful, this method returns JSON with a unique identifier (value of the id property) of the translation request in the queue:

	"status": 202,
	"message": "Starting translation",
	"id": "a4fc6c6e-81b0-43c8-b62b-b8bb99520ce9"

Otherwise, it returns a HTTP status code corresponding to the error.

What’s next

Translation will take a few seconds, depending on the size of the file, the volume of its textual content and the current GroupDocs.Translation Cloud load. See the article Fetching translations for information on how to get translations from the server.

cURL example

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...UV1hLfgNCSQ4VKGCOA' \
--data '{
  "sourceLanguage": "en",
  "targetLanguages": [
  "url": "",
  "savingMode": "Files",
  "format": "Xlsx",
  "outputFormat": "xlsx",
  "worksheets": null,
  "ranges": null
	"status": 202,
	"message": "Starting translation",
	"id": "a4fc6c6e-81b0-43c8-b62b-b8bb99520ce9"