Common structures

Page contains description for common structures and its properties

SignatureType properties

Specifies enumeration of supported Signature Types.

Example SignatureType object

 "SignatureType": "Text"
TextSpecifies Text signature type
ImageSpecifies Image signature type
DigitalSpecifies Digital signature type
BarcodeSpecifies Barcode signature type
QRCodeSpecifies QRCode signature type
StampSpecifies Stamp signature type

PagesSetup properties

Provides options to specify special or ordinary pages for Document processing.

Example PagesSetup object

  "PagesSetup": {
    "FirstPage": false,
    "LastPage": true,
    "OddPages": false,
    "EvenPages": true,
    "PageNumbers": [

PagesSetup Object Fields

FirstPagebooleanSpecifies if first page of Document should be processed
LastPagebooleanSpecifies if last page of Document should be processed
OddPagesbooleanSpecifies if odd pages of Document should be processed
EvenPagesbooleanSpecifies if even pages of Document should be processed
PageNumbersArraySpecify ordinary pages of Document that should be processed

Padding properties

Provides options to specify special or ordinary pages for Document processing.

Example of Padding object

    "All": 5,
    "Left": 5,
    "Top": 5,
    "Right": 5,
    "Bottom": 5

Padding Object Fields

AllintGets or sets the padding value for all the edges.
LeftintGets or sets the padding value for the left edge.
TopintGets or sets the padding value for the top edge.
RightintGets or sets the padding value for the right edge.
BottomintGets or sets the padding value for the bottom edge.

SignatureFont Object

Provides properties to specify Font properties for Signature object.

Example SignatureFont object

    "FontFamily": "Times New Roman",
    "FontSize": 14.0,
    "Bold": false,
    "Italic": false,
    "Underline": false

SignatureFont Object Fields

FontFamilystringSpecifies name of Font
FontSizeintSets Font size
BoldbooleanFlag is Font is Bold style
ItalicbooleanFlag is Font is Italic style
UnderlinebooleanFlag is Font is Underline style

Color Object

Utility class for Color serialization.

Example Color object

    "Web": "Transparent",
    "Alpha": 0

Color Object Fields

WebstringHTML string color representation.
AlphaintAlpha component of color structure.

MeasureType Object

Specifies measure units of signature on document page.

Example MeasureType object

 "MeasureType": "Pixels"

MeasureType Enumeration values

PercentPercents of page size.

HorizontalAlignment Object

Specifies horizontal alignment of element on Document Page.

Example HorizontalAlignment object.

 "HorizontalAlignment": "Left"

HorizontalAlignment Object Fields

DefaultSame as None.
NoneThe object is explicitly positioned, usually using its Left property.
LeftSpecifies that the object shall be left aligned to the horizontal alignment base.
CenterSpecifies that the object shall be centered with respect to the horizontal alignment base.
RightSpecifies that the object shall be right aligned to the horizontal alignment base.

VerticalAlignment Object

Specifies vertical alignment of element on Document Page.

Example VerticalAlignment object.

 "VerticalAlignment": "Top"

VerticalAlignment Object Fields

DefaultSame as None.
NoneThe object is explicitly positioned, usually using its Top property.
TopSpecifies that the object shall be at the top of the vertical alignment base.
CenterSpecifies that the object shall be centered with respect to the vertical alignment base.
BottomSpecifies that the object shall be at the bottom of the vertical alignment base.

TextHorizontalAlignment Object

Specifies text horizontal alignment inside a Signature.

Example TextHorizontalAlignment object.

  "TextHorizontalAlignment": "Left"

TextHorizontalAlignment Object Fields

LeftSpecifies that the text is left aligned to the horizontal alignment base.
CenterSpecifies that the text is centered to the horizontal alignment base.
RightSpecifies that the text is right aligned to the horizontal alignment base.

TextVerticalAlignment Object

Specifies text vertical alignment inside a Signature.

Example TextVerticalAlignment object.

 "TextVerticalAlignment": "Top"

TextVerticalAlignment Object Fields

TopSpecifies that the text is top aligned to the vertical alignment base.
CenterSpecifies that the text is centered to the vertical alignment base.
BottomSpecifies that the text is bottom aligned to the vertical alignment base.

StretchMode Object

Specifies measure units of signature on document page.

Example StretchMode object.

 "Stretch": "PageHeight"

StretchMode Object Fields

DefaultDefault value. No stretch mode will be applied.
PageWidthStretch Signature area along page Width. Margin property will be used to apply required offset values.
PageHeightStretch Signature area along page Height. Margin property will be used to apply required offset values.
PageAreaStretch Signature area along page Height and Width. Margin property will be used to apply required offset values.

TextSignatureImplementation Object

Specifies type of implementation for cells Text Signature.

Example CellsTextSignatureImplementation object.

 "SignatureImplementation": "TextAsImage"

CellsTextSignatureImplementation Object Fields

TextStampText Signature as Label object on Cells sheet.
TextAsImageText Signature as Image object on Cells sheet.

DashStyle Object

Represents style of dash drawing lines on documents.

Example DashStyle object.

 "BorderDashStyle": "Solid"

DashStyleData Object Fields

DashRepresent a dash line.
DashDotRepresents a dash-dot line.
DashDotDotRepresents a dash-dot-dot line.
DashLongDashRepresents a long dash-short dash line.
DashLongDashDotRepresents a long dash-short dash-dot line.
RoundDotRepresents a round-dot line.
SolidRepresent a solid line.
SquareDotRepresents a square-dot line.

StampBackgroundCropType Object

Specifies crop type of background layer on Stamp elements.

Example StampBackgroundCropType object.

 "BackgroundColorCropType": "InnerArea"

StampBackgroundCropType Object Fields

NoneNo crop - all Signature area rectangle will be filled with background.
OuterAreaCrop background by external outer line.
MiddleAreaCrop background between external and inner lines.
InnerAreaCrop background by internal line.

StampTextRepeatType Object

Specifies type of text repeat for stamp lines.

Example StampTextRepeatType object.

 "TextRepeatType": "FullTextRepeat"

StampTextRepeatType Object Fields

NoneNo repeat.
FullTextRepeatText will be repeated to fit full length without truncation.
RepeatWithTruncationText will be repeated to fit full length with word truncation at the end.

BorderLine Object

Utility class for BorderLine serialization.

Example BorderLine object

"style": "LongDash",
"transparency": 0.5,
"weight": 1.2,
"color": {
  "Web": "DarkOrange"

BorderLine Object Fields

StyleenumGets or sets the signature border style.
TransparencydoubleGets or sets the signature border transparency (value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear)).
WeightdoubleGets or sets the weight of the signature border.
ColorColorGets or sets the border color of signature.

StampLine Object

Utility class for StampLine serialization.

Example StampLine object

    "height": 30,
    "backgroundColor": {
      "Web": "CornflowerBlue"
    "text": "John Smith",
    "font": {
      "fontFamily": "Times New Roman",
      "fontSize": 20.0,
      "bold": true,
      "italic": true,
      "underline": true
    "textColor": {
      "Web": "Gold"
    "textBottomIntent": 3,
    "textRepeatType": "None",
    "outerBorder": {
      "style": "Dot",
      "transparency": 0.4,
      "weight": 1.4,
      "color": {
        "Web": "GhostWhite"
    "innerBorder": {
      "style": "LongDash",
      "transparency": 0.5,
      "weight": 1.2,
      "color": {
        "Web": "OliveDrab"
    "visible": true

StampLine Object Fields

HeightintGets or sets the line height on Stamp.
BackgroundColorColorGets or sets the background color of signature.
TextStringGets or sets the text of stamp line.
FontSignatureFontGet or set Font of Stamp Line text.
TextColorColorGets or sets the text color of signature.
TextBottomIntentintGets or sets the bottom intent of text.
TextRepeatTypeStampTextRepeatTypeGets or sets text repeat type.
OuterBorderBorderLineSetup Outer Border.
InnerBorderBorderLineSetup Inner Border.
VisibleboolGet and set visibility of Stamp Line.

DigitalSignatureType Object

Digital Signature Type define the method to sign.

Example DigitalSignatureType object

  "SignatureType": "CryptoApi"

DigitalSignatureTypeData Object Fields

UnknownIndicates an error, unknown digital signature type.
CryptoApiThe Crypto API signature method used in Microsoft Word 97-2003 .DOC binary documents.
XmlDsigThe XmlDsig signature method used in OOXML and OpenDocument documents.

TextMatchType Object

Represents style of dash drawing lines on documents.

Example TextMatchType object

  "MatchType": "Contains"

TextMatchType Object Fields

ExactText is fully match.
StartsWithText starts with value.
EndsWithText ends with value.
ContainsText contains the value.

CodeTextAlignment Object

Alignment of code text for Bar-codes and QR-codes.

Example CodeTextAlignment object

  "CodeTextAlignment": "Above"

CodeTextAlignment Object Fields

NoneText is not visible.
AboveText is above the code.
BelowText is below the code.
RightText is on the right of the code.

Brush Object

Base class for setting signature background brush. There are four subclasses for describing various brushes:LinearGradientBrush, RadialGradientBrush, SolidBrush, TextureBrush

LinearGradientBrush Object

Example LinearGradientBrush object:

 "startColor": {"web": "CornflowerBlue"},
 "endColor": {"web": "DarkBlue"},
 "angle": 0.0,
 "brushType": "LinearGradientBrush"

LinearGradientBrush Object Fields

StartColorColorGets or sets start gradient color.
EndColorColorGets or sets finish gradient color.
AnglefloatGets or sets gradient angle.

RadialGradientBrush Object

Example RadialGradientBrush object:

 "innerColor": {"web": "CornflowerBlue"},
 "outerColor": {"web": "DarkBlue"},
 "brushType": "RadialGradientBrush"

RadialGradientBrush Object Fields

InnerColorColorGets or sets inner gradient color.
OuterColorColorGets or sets outer gradient color.

SolidBrush Object

Example SolidBrush object:

 "color": {"web": "DarkBlue"},
 "brushType": "SolidBrush"

SolidBrush Object Fields

ColorColorGets or sets color of solid brush.

TextureBrush Object

Example TextureBrush object:

 "imageGuid": "images\signature_01.jpg",
 "brushType": "TextureBrush"

TextureBrush Object Fields

ImageGuidstringGets or sets the texture image file Guid.