Common structures
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Page contains description for common structures and its properties
Specifies enumeration of supported Signature Types.
Example SignatureType object
"SignatureType": "Text"
Name | Description |
Text | Specifies Text signature type |
Image | Specifies Image signature type |
Digital | Specifies Digital signature type |
Barcode | Specifies Barcode signature type |
QRCode | Specifies QRCode signature type |
Stamp | Specifies Stamp signature type |
Provides options to specify special or ordinary pages for Document processing.
Example PagesSetup object
"PagesSetup": {
"FirstPage": false,
"LastPage": true,
"OddPages": false,
"EvenPages": true,
"PageNumbers": [
PagesSetup Object Fields
Name | Type | Description |
FirstPage | boolean | Specifies if first page of Document should be processed |
LastPage | boolean | Specifies if last page of Document should be processed |
OddPages | boolean | Specifies if odd pages of Document should be processed |
EvenPages | boolean | Specifies if even pages of Document should be processed |
PageNumbers | Array | Specify ordinary pages of Document that should be processed |
Provides options to specify special or ordinary pages for Document processing.
Example of Padding object
"All": 5,
"Left": 5,
"Top": 5,
"Right": 5,
"Bottom": 5
Padding Object Fields
Name | Type | Description |
All | int | Gets or sets the padding value for all the edges. |
Left | int | Gets or sets the padding value for the left edge. |
Top | int | Gets or sets the padding value for the top edge. |
Right | int | Gets or sets the padding value for the right edge. |
Bottom | int | Gets or sets the padding value for the bottom edge. |
Provides properties to specify Font properties for Signature object.
Example SignatureFont object
"FontFamily": "Times New Roman",
"FontSize": 14.0,
"Bold": false,
"Italic": false,
"Underline": false
SignatureFont Object Fields
Name | Type | Description |
FontFamily | string | Specifies name of Font |
FontSize | int | Sets Font size |
Bold | boolean | Flag is Font is Bold style |
Italic | boolean | Flag is Font is Italic style |
Underline | boolean | Flag is Font is Underline style |
Utility class for Color serialization.
Example Color object
"Web": "Transparent",
"Alpha": 0
Color Object Fields
Name | Type | Description |
Web | string | HTML string color representation. |
Alpha | int | Alpha component of color structure. |
Specifies measure units of signature on document page.
Example MeasureType object
"MeasureType": "Pixels"
MeasureType Enumeration values
Name | Description |
Pixels | Pixels. |
Percent | Percents of page size. |
Millimeters | Millimeters. |
Specifies horizontal alignment of element on Document Page.
Example HorizontalAlignment object.
"HorizontalAlignment": "Left"
HorizontalAlignment Object Fields
Name | Description |
Default | Same as None. |
None | The object is explicitly positioned, usually using its Left property. |
Left | Specifies that the object shall be left aligned to the horizontal alignment base. |
Center | Specifies that the object shall be centered with respect to the horizontal alignment base. |
Right | Specifies that the object shall be right aligned to the horizontal alignment base. |
Specifies vertical alignment of element on Document Page.
Example VerticalAlignment object.
"VerticalAlignment": "Top"
VerticalAlignment Object Fields
Name | Description |
Default | Same as None. |
None | The object is explicitly positioned, usually using its Top property. |
Top | Specifies that the object shall be at the top of the vertical alignment base. |
Center | Specifies that the object shall be centered with respect to the vertical alignment base. |
Bottom | Specifies that the object shall be at the bottom of the vertical alignment base. |
Specifies text horizontal alignment inside a Signature.
Example TextHorizontalAlignment object.
"TextHorizontalAlignment": "Left"
TextHorizontalAlignment Object Fields
Name | Description |
Left | Specifies that the text is left aligned to the horizontal alignment base. |
Center | Specifies that the text is centered to the horizontal alignment base. |
Right | Specifies that the text is right aligned to the horizontal alignment base. |
Specifies text vertical alignment inside a Signature.
Example TextVerticalAlignment object.
"TextVerticalAlignment": "Top"
TextVerticalAlignment Object Fields
Name | Description |
Top | Specifies that the text is top aligned to the vertical alignment base. |
Center | Specifies that the text is centered to the vertical alignment base. |
Bottom | Specifies that the text is bottom aligned to the vertical alignment base. |
Specifies measure units of signature on document page.
Example StretchMode object.
"Stretch": "PageHeight"
StretchMode Object Fields
Name | Description |
Default | Default value. No stretch mode will be applied. |
PageWidth | Stretch Signature area along page Width. Margin property will be used to apply required offset values. |
PageHeight | Stretch Signature area along page Height. Margin property will be used to apply required offset values. |
PageArea | Stretch Signature area along page Height and Width. Margin property will be used to apply required offset values. |
Specifies type of implementation for cells Text Signature.
Example CellsTextSignatureImplementation object.
"SignatureImplementation": "TextAsImage"
CellsTextSignatureImplementation Object Fields
Name | Description |
TextStamp | Text Signature as Label object on Cells sheet. |
TextAsImage | Text Signature as Image object on Cells sheet. |
Represents style of dash drawing lines on documents.
Example DashStyle object.
"BorderDashStyle": "Solid"
DashStyleData Object Fields
Name | Description |
Dash | Represent a dash line. |
DashDot | Represents a dash-dot line. |
DashDotDot | Represents a dash-dot-dot line. |
DashLongDash | Represents a long dash-short dash line. |
DashLongDashDot | Represents a long dash-short dash-dot line. |
RoundDot | Represents a round-dot line. |
Solid | Represent a solid line. |
SquareDot | Represents a square-dot line. |
Specifies crop type of background layer on Stamp elements.
Example StampBackgroundCropType object.
"BackgroundColorCropType": "InnerArea"
StampBackgroundCropType Object Fields
Name | Description |
None | No crop - all Signature area rectangle will be filled with background. |
OuterArea | Crop background by external outer line. |
MiddleArea | Crop background between external and inner lines. |
InnerArea | Crop background by internal line. |
Specifies type of text repeat for stamp lines.
Example StampTextRepeatType object.
"TextRepeatType": "FullTextRepeat"
StampTextRepeatType Object Fields
Name | Description |
None | No repeat. |
FullTextRepeat | Text will be repeated to fit full length without truncation. |
RepeatWithTruncation | Text will be repeated to fit full length with word truncation at the end. |
Utility class for BorderLine serialization.
Example BorderLine object
"style": "LongDash",
"transparency": 0.5,
"weight": 1.2,
"color": {
"Web": "DarkOrange"
BorderLine Object Fields
Name | Type | Description |
Style | enum | Gets or sets the signature border style. |
Transparency | double | Gets or sets the signature border transparency (value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear)). |
Weight | double | Gets or sets the weight of the signature border. |
Color | Color | Gets or sets the border color of signature. |
Utility class for StampLine serialization.
Example StampLine object
"height": 30,
"backgroundColor": {
"Web": "CornflowerBlue"
"text": "John Smith",
"font": {
"fontFamily": "Times New Roman",
"fontSize": 20.0,
"bold": true,
"italic": true,
"underline": true
"textColor": {
"Web": "Gold"
"textBottomIntent": 3,
"textRepeatType": "None",
"outerBorder": {
"style": "Dot",
"transparency": 0.4,
"weight": 1.4,
"color": {
"Web": "GhostWhite"
"innerBorder": {
"style": "LongDash",
"transparency": 0.5,
"weight": 1.2,
"color": {
"Web": "OliveDrab"
"visible": true
StampLine Object Fields
Name | Type | Description |
Height | int | Gets or sets the line height on Stamp. |
BackgroundColor | Color | Gets or sets the background color of signature. |
Text | String | Gets or sets the text of stamp line. |
Font | SignatureFont | Get or set Font of Stamp Line text. |
TextColor | Color | Gets or sets the text color of signature. |
TextBottomIntent | int | Gets or sets the bottom intent of text. |
TextRepeatType | StampTextRepeatType | Gets or sets text repeat type. |
OuterBorder | BorderLine | Setup Outer Border. |
InnerBorder | BorderLine | Setup Inner Border. |
Visible | bool | Get and set visibility of Stamp Line. |
Digital Signature Type define the method to sign.
Example DigitalSignatureType object
"SignatureType": "CryptoApi"
DigitalSignatureTypeData Object Fields
Name | Description |
Unknown | Indicates an error, unknown digital signature type. |
CryptoApi | The Crypto API signature method used in Microsoft Word 97-2003 .DOC binary documents. |
XmlDsig | The XmlDsig signature method used in OOXML and OpenDocument documents. |
Represents style of dash drawing lines on documents.
Example TextMatchType object
"MatchType": "Contains"
TextMatchType Object Fields
Name | Description |
Exact | Text is fully match. |
StartsWith | Text starts with value. |
EndsWith | Text ends with value. |
Contains | Text contains the value. |
Alignment of code text for Bar-codes and QR-codes.
Example CodeTextAlignment object
"CodeTextAlignment": "Above"
CodeTextAlignment Object Fields
Name | Description |
None | Text is not visible. |
Above | Text is above the code. |
Below | Text is below the code. |
Right | Text is on the right of the code. |
Base class for setting signature background brush. There are four subclasses for describing various brushes:LinearGradientBrush, RadialGradientBrush, SolidBrush, TextureBrush
Example LinearGradientBrush object:
"startColor": {"web": "CornflowerBlue"},
"endColor": {"web": "DarkBlue"},
"angle": 0.0,
"brushType": "LinearGradientBrush"
LinearGradientBrush Object Fields
Name | Type | Description |
StartColor | Color | Gets or sets start gradient color. |
EndColor | Color | Gets or sets finish gradient color. |
Angle | float | Gets or sets gradient angle. |
Example RadialGradientBrush object:
"innerColor": {"web": "CornflowerBlue"},
"outerColor": {"web": "DarkBlue"},
"brushType": "RadialGradientBrush"
RadialGradientBrush Object Fields
Name | Type | Description |
InnerColor | Color | Gets or sets inner gradient color. |
OuterColor | Color | Gets or sets outer gradient color. |
Example SolidBrush object:
"color": {"web": "DarkBlue"},
"brushType": "SolidBrush"
SolidBrush Object Fields
Name | Type | Description |
Color | Color | Gets or sets color of solid brush. |
Example TextureBrush object:
"imageGuid": "images\signature_01.jpg",
"brushType": "TextureBrush"
TextureBrush Object Fields
Name | Type | Description |
ImageGuid | string | Gets or sets the texture image file Guid. |
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