Sending texts for processing

To process plain text, send a POST request to the{task}/text GroupDocs.Rewriter Cloud REST API endpoint, where task means what you want to do: detect, paraphrase, simpllify, summarize or synonymize.. To authorize the request, pass the access token in Authorization header (Bearer authentication).

The text and processing parameters are provided in JSON format in the request body.

  "language": string,
  "text": string,
  "texts": list of strings
languageLanguage code of the source text.
textText to be detected for paraphrasing.
textsTexts to be detected for paraphrasing.
  "language": string,
  "text": string,
  "texts": list of string,
  "suggestions": string,
  "diversityDegree": string
languageLanguage code of the source text.
textText for paraphrasing.
textsTexts for paraphrasing.
suggestionsNumber of variants to return, accepted values One, Two or Three.
diversityDegreeDegree of paraphrasing, accepted values Off, Medium and High.
  "language": string,
  "text": string,
  "texts": list of strings
languageLanguage code of the source text.
textText for simplification.
textsTexts for simplification.
  "language": string,
  "text": string,
  "texts": list of strings
  "summarizationDegree": string
languageLanguage code of the source text.
textText to be detected for summarization.
textsTexts to be detected for summarization.
summarizationDegreeSummarization degree, accepted values Off, Medium and High.
  "language": string,
  "text": string,
  "texts": list of strings
  "synonyms": string
languageLanguage code of the source text.
textText to be detected for paraphrasing
textsTexts to be detected for paraphrasing.
synonymsNumber of synonyms to return, accepted values One to Five and All.
If the processed text is very long, you may encounter an error when calling via cURL in a shell command. Use the getconf ARG_MAX command to check the maximum length of the command arguments (in bytes).

Evaluation mode

To use GroupDocs.Rewriter Cloud REST API in evaluation mode, send a POST request to the endpoint{task}/text/trial.

This endpoint does not use the Authorization header, so there is no need to generate an access token. All other parameters remain the same as in regular text translation requests.

Return value

If successful, this method returns JSON with a unique identifier (value of the id property) of the request in the queue:

    "status": 202,
    "message": "Starting",
    "id": "dae5390e-3658-4bff-85bf-4a77cc04eaa5_text"

Otherwise, it returns a HTTP status code corresponding to the error.

What’s next

Processing will take a few seconds, depending on the size of the text and the current GroupDocs.Rewriter Cloud load. See the article Fetching results for information on how to get results from the server.

cURL example for paraphrasing

curl --request POST --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...LxLejtsVFwrZpHA' \
--data '{
  "language": "en",
  "text": "Hello, everyone! We will try to rephrase this text into something new.",
  "suggestions": "One",
  "diversityDegree": "Medium"
curl --request POST --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "language": "en",
  "text": "Hello, everyone! We will try to rephrase this text into something new.",
  "suggestions": "One",
  "diversityDegree": "Medium"
    "status": 202,
    "message": "Starting",
    "id": "dae5390e-3658-4bff-85bf-4a77cc04eaa5_text"