Fetching results

When text is submitted for processing, it is queued to ensure a stable response even under high load. To obtain the results, send a GET request to the https://api.groupdocs.cloud/v2.0/rewriter/{task}/text/{request ID} GroupDocs.Rewriter Cloud REST API endpoint, where task means what you want to do: detect, paraphrase, simpllify, summarize or synonymize. This request does not require access token.

Processed texts

Processed texts are returned in JSON format in the response body and are slightly different according to task.

  "status": status code,
  "message": string,
  "probability": float,
  "isParaphrased": boolean
statusHTTP response status code.
messageVerbose status message.
probabilityProbability that provided text was paraphrased.
isParaphrasedIf provided text was paraphrased.
  "status": status code,
  "message": string,
  "paraphraseResult": string,
  "paraphraseResults": list of strings
statusHTTP response status code.
messageVerbose status message.
paraphraseResultParaphrased text, this property is returned if a single text was sent.
paraphraseResultsParaphrased texts, this property is returned if several texts were sent for paraphrasing.
  "status": status code,
  "message": string,
  "simplifyResult": string,
  "simplifyResults": list of strings
statusHTTP response status code.
messageVerbose status message.
simplifyResultSimpllified text, this property is returned if a single text was sent.
simplifyResultsSimplified texts, this property is returned if several texts were sent for simplifying.
  "status": status code,
  "message": string,
  "summarizationResult": string,
  "sumarizationResults": list of strings
statusHTTP response status code.
messageVerbose status message.
summarizationResultSummarized text, this property is returned if a single text was sent.
summarizationResultsSummarized texts, this property is returned if several texts were sent for summarization.
  "status": status code,
  "message": string,
  "synonymizerResults": list of strings
statusHTTP response status code.
messageVerbose status message.
paraphraseResultsList of synonyms for the provided word or phrase
If the text is not yet processed, try fetching the result in a couple of seconds using the same ID.

Results are stored in the GroupDocs cloud and can be obtained by the task ID within 24 hours after the text was sent for processing.

cURL example for authorized paraphrasing

curl --location 'https://api.groupdocs.cloud/v2.0/rewriter/paraphrase/text/dae5390e-3658-4bff-85bf-4a77cc04eaa5_text' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...LxLejtsVFwrZpHA'
    "paraphraseReult": "Hello, everyone! We are going to try to recast this text as something new.",
    "paraphraseResults": null,
    "sourceList": null,
    "targetList": null,
    "statusCode": 200,
    "message": "Text processed successfully"