Get Container Items Information

This REST API endpoint allows retrieving container items (relative paths) from ZIP archives, documents that contain other attached documents like emails, PDF portfolios, MS Outlook storages. The table below contains the full list of properties.

FileInfo.FilePathThe path of the document, located in the storage.Required.
FileInfo.StorageNameStorage nameIt could be omitted for default storage.
FileInfo.PasswordThe password to open fileIt should be specified only for password-protected documents.
ContainerItemInfo.RelativePathThe relative path of the container.Should be specified only for container files like ZIP archives, emails or PDF portfolios.
ContainerItemInfo.PasswordPassword for processing password-protected container items.It should be specified only for password-protected container items.


The following GroupDocs.Parser Cloud REST API resource has been used in the get container items information example.

HTTP POST ~/container

cURL example

The following example demonstrates how to get document information.

# First get JSON Web Token
# Please get your Client Id and Client Secret from
# Kindly place Client Id in "client_id" and Client Secret in "client_secret" argument.
curl -v "" \
-d "grant_type#client_credentials&client_id#xxxx&client_secret#xxxx" \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
# cURL example to join several documents into one
curl -v "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer 
<jwt token>"
-d "{
    "FileInfo": {
        "FilePath": "containers\archive\",
        "StorageName": ""
    "containerItems": [
            "name": "four-pages.docx",
            "filePath": "four-pages.docx",
            "directory": "",
            "metadata": {
                "date": "05.03.2019 19:00:00",
                "crc": "213F4CD9"
            "name": "one-page.docx",
            "filePath": "one-page.docx",
            "directory": "",
            "metadata": {
                "date": "05.03.2019 19:00:00",
                "crc": "4927C5D6"

SDK examples

Using an SDK (API client) is the quickest way for a developer to speed up the development. An SDK takes care of a lot of low-level details of making requests and handling responses and lets you focus on writing code specific to your particular project. Check out our GitHub repository for a complete list of GroupDocs.Parser Cloud SDKs along with working examples, to get you started in no time. Please check Available SDKs article to learn how to add an SDK to your project.