Compare sensitivity

GroupDocs.Comparison Cloud allows to adjust comparison sensitivity to achieve the necessary balance between file comparison speed and accuracy. Possible comparison sensitivity values range is from 0 to 100.

  • Minimal value - the minimal value is 0. Setting sensitivity to a minimal value provides the fastest comparison speed, but it may produce worst comparison quality. If there is at least one common letter in two compared words then these words will not be treated as fully inserted and deleted
  • Value by default - the default value is 75. Comparison occurs when the percentage of deleted or inserted elements in relation to all elements does not exceed 75%.
  • Maximum value - the maximum values is 100. Comparison occurs at any length of a common sub-sequence of two compared objects. This option provides the best quality, but slowest comparison speed.

For better understanding about how comparison algorithms work let’s suppose we have two strings:

  1. It is our equity poetry
  2. Jack is a glad calf

We will highlight removed text parts with red and inserted parts with blue color. So, these strings have two common sub-sequences: “is” word and 4 space symbols.

Common sub-sequence is - " is " and its length is 6 symbols (there are 4 space symbols in it). Length of inserted sub-sequence is 13 symbols - Jackagladcalf Removed sub-sequence length is 17 symbols - Itourequitypoetry Lets calculate percent of removed and inserted symbols: (17 + 13) / (17 + 13 + 6) * 100 # 83%

Case 1. If SensitivityOfComparison = 80% comparison of these two strings will produce the next result: Jack is a glad calfIt is our equity poetry

Because calculated percent of removed and inserted symbols equals 83% and it is bigger than value of SensitivityOfComparison (equals 80%) then this common sub-sequence will be not taken into account. The first string considered completely removed and the second string considered completely inserted. The same results will be produced for any calculated percent less than 83%.

Case 2. If SensitivityOfComparison # 85%, comparison of these two strings will produce the next result: JackIt is aour gladequity calfpoetry

Common sub-sequence was found, because 85% > 83%. The same results will be produced for any calculated percent bigger than 83%.

The following code snippet demonstrates how compare files with specific sensitivity:

API usage

There are steps that usage of GroupDocs.Comparison Cloud consists of:

  1. Upload input documents into cloud storage
  2. Compare documents or get document info
  3. Download comparison result document from storage

Steps 1 and 3 are storage operations, please refer to this File API documentation for usage details.

Swagger UI lets you call this REST API directly from the browser.

cURL example

* First get JSON Web Token
* Please get your Client Id and Client Secret from Kindly place Client Id in "client_id" and Client Secret in "client_secret" argument.
curl -v "" \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=xxxx&client_secret=xxxx" \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-H "Accept: application/json"

* cURL example to get document information
curl -v "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <jwt token>"
-d "{
  'SourceFile': {
    'FilePath': 'source_files\\word\\source.docx'
  'TargetFiles': [
      'FilePath': 'target_files\\word\\target.docx'
  'OutputPath': 'output/result.docx',
  'Settings': {
    'SensitivityOfComparison': 100

  "href": "",
  "rel": "output/result.docx",
  "type": "file",
  "title": "result.docx"

SDK example

Using an SDK (API client) is the quickest way for a developer to speed up the development. An SDK takes care of a lot of low-level details of making requests and handling responses and lets you focus on writing code specific to your particular project. Check out our GitHub repository for a complete list of GroupDocs.Comparison Cloud SDKs along with working examples, to get you started in no time. Please check Available SDKs article to learn how to add an SDK to your project.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
string MyClientSecret = ""; // Get ClientId and ClientSecret from
string MyClientId = ""; // Get ClientId and ClientSecret from

var configuration = new Configuration(MyClientId, MyClientSecret);

var apiInstance = new CompareApi(configuration);
var options = new ComparisonOptions
    SourceFile = new FileInfo
        FilePath = "source_files/word/source.docx"
    TargetFiles = new List<FileInfo> {
        new FileInfo {
            FilePath = "target_files/word/target.docx"
    Settings = new Settings {
        SensitivityOfComparison = 100
    OutputPath = "output/result.docx"

var request = new ComparisonsRequest(options);
var response = apiInstance.Comparisons(request);

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
String MyClientSecret = ""; // Get ClientId and ClientSecret from
String MyClientId = ""; // Get ClientId and ClientSecret from

Configuration configuration = new Configuration(MyClientId, MyClientSecret);

CompareApi apiInstance = new CompareApi(configuration);

FileInfo sourceFileInfo = new FileInfo();
FileInfo targetFileInfo = new FileInfo();

Settings settings = new Settings();

ComparisonOptions options = new ComparisonOptions();

ComparisonsRequest request = new ComparisonsRequest(options);
Link response = apiInstance.comparisons(request);

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
use GroupDocs\Comparison\Model;
use GroupDocs\Comparison\Model\Requests;

$ClientId = ""; // Get ClientId and ClientSecret from
$ClientSecret = ""; // Get ClientId and ClientSecret from

$configuration = new GroupDocs\Comparison\Configuration();

$apiInstance = new GroupDocs\Comparison\CompareApi($configuration);

$sourceFile = new Model\FileInfo();
$targetFile = new Model\FileInfo();
$options = new Model\ComparisonOptions();
$settings = new Model\Settings();

$request = new Requests\ComparisonsRequest($options);
$response = $apiInstance->comparisons($request);

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
global.comparison_cloud = require("groupdocs-comparison-cloud");

global.clientId = "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"; // Get ClientId and ClientSecret from
global.clientSecret = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; // Get ClientId and ClientSecret from

global.compareApi = comparison_cloud.CompareApi.fromKeys(clientId, clientSecret);

try {
 let source = new comparison_cloud.FileInfo();
 source.filePath = "source_files/word/source.docx";
 let target = new comparison_cloud.FileInfo();
 target.filePath = "target_files/word/target.docx";  
 let settings = new comparison_cloud.Settings();
 settings.sensitivityOfComparison = 100;
 let options = new comparison_cloud.ComparisonOptions();
 options.sourceFile = source;
 options.targetFiles = [target];
 options.outputPath = "output/result.docx";
 options.settings = settings;

 let request = new comparison_cloud.ComparisonsRequest(options);  

 let response = await compareApi.comparisons(request);
 console.log("Output file link: " + response.href);
} catch (error) {

# For complete examples and data files, please go to
import groupdocs_comparison_cloud

client_id = "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" # Get ClientId and ClientSecret from
client_secret = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" # Get ClientId and ClientSecret from

api_instance = groupdocs_comparison_cloud.CompareApi.from_keys(client_id, client_secret)

source = groupdocs_comparison_cloud.FileInfo()
source.file_path = "source_files/word/source.docx"
target = groupdocs_comparison_cloud.FileInfo()
target.file_path = "target_files/word/target.docx"
options = groupdocs_comparison_cloud.ComparisonOptions()
options.source_file = source
options.target_files = [target]
options.output_path = "output/result.docx"
settings = groupdocs_comparison_cloud.Settings()
settings.sensitivity_of_comparison = 100
options.settings = settings

request = groupdocs_comparison_cloud.ComparisonsRequest(options)
response = api_instance.comparisons(request)

# For complete examples and data files, please go to
require 'groupdocs_comparison_cloud'

$client_id = "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" # Get ClientId and ClientSecret from
$client_secret = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" # Get ClientId and ClientSecret from

api_instance = GroupDocsComparisonCloud::CompareApi.from_keys($client_id, $client_secret)

source =
source.file_path = "source_files/word/source.docx"
target =
target.file_path = "target_files/word/target.docx"
options =
options.source_file = source
options.target_files = [target]
options.output_path = "output/result.docx"
settings =
settings.sensitivity_of_comparison = 100
options.settings = settings

request =
response = apiInstance.comparisons(request)
// Create configuration and API instances
Configuration config = new Configuration('YOUR_API_KEY', 'YOUR_API_SECRET'); // Get ClientId and ClientSecret from
FileApi fileApi = new FileApi(config);
CompareApi compareApi = new CompareApi(config);

// Upload source file to cloud storage
List<ContentVersion> sourceVersions = [SELECT Id, Title, VersionData FROM ContentVersion WHERE Title = 'source.docx' LIMIT 1];
if (sourceVersions.size() > 0) {
    fileApi.uploadFile(new UploadFileRequest('source_files/word/source.docx', sourceVersions[0].VersionData, null));

// Upload target file to cloud storage
List<ContentVersion> targetVersions = [SELECT Id, Title, VersionData FROM ContentVersion WHERE Title = 'target.docx' LIMIT 1];
if (targetVersions.size() > 0) {
    fileApi.uploadFile(new UploadFileRequest('target_files/word/target.docx', targetVersions[0].VersionData, null));

// Set up comparison options
ComparisonOptions options = new ComparisonOptions();
options.SourceFile = new FileInfo();
options.SourceFile.FilePath = 'source_files/word/source.docx';

options.TargetFiles = new List<FileInfo>();
FileInfo targetFileInfo = new FileInfo();
targetFileInfo.FilePath = 'target_files/word/target.docx';

options.Settings = new Settings();
options.Settings.SensitivityOfComparison = 100; // Set sensitivity level for comparison

options.OutputPath = 'output/result.docx';

// Perform comparison
ComparisonsRequest request = new ComparisonsRequest(options);
CompareResult result = compareApi.comparisons(request);
System.debug('Comparison completed. Output file path: ' + result.href);